Leading Through Transformation - Anticipate

Several weeks ago, I talked about the myth of readiness. That we aren't ever truly ready for change. Let me clarify something. There is a difference between readiness and preparation. While we might not be ready, it doesn't mean we can't, and shouldn't, prepare.

Our responsibility as transformation leaders is to help individuals, teams, and organizations be successful. To do that, we must be constantly scanning for trouble spots. This doesn't just mean thinking about budget and schedule risks (which is important). It means anticipating the moments where individuals and teams will struggle.

Difficult moments are unavoidable. These are often the moments where frustration overwhelms us. Particularly when they seem out of the blue. People give up. Tap out. Perhaps not completely, but often emotionally. We lose them and their support for change.

We can reframe these difficult moments as opportunities. These are the moments we demonstrate resilience. The moments we grow. But, if we don't know they are coming, we miss them.  

So be honest. Talk about the moments where people might struggle…BEFORE they happen. Work to understand their concerns. The process of working through our concerns is how we minimize the frustration when the moment arrives.

When we understand where and when difficult moments may occur, and we support our teams in preparing, we increase our chances of transformation success.


Leading Through Transformation – Reflection


Leading Through Transformation - Acknowledge